( ! ) Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /var/www/vollo/vendor/zendframework/zendframework1/library/Zend/Cache/Backend.php on line 79
Call Stack
10.0002394160{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0007414216Bootstrap::run( ).../index.php:33
30.0008414216Bootstrap::prepare( ).../Bootstrap.php:18
40.0044676368Bootstrap::setupCache( ).../Bootstrap.php:39
50.0044677408Zend_Cache::factory( ).../Bootstrap.php:358
60.0046701416Zend_Cache_Core->setBackend( ).../Cache.php:111
70.0046701792Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached->setDirectives( ).../Core.php:183
80.0046701792Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached->setDirectives( ).../Memcached.php:298
90.0046701816each ( ).../Backend.php:79
Careers ⋆ Vollo

Want to join us on the skyrocketing journey to build a revolutionary travel product? Don't miss the chance to apply for the next big thing!

Open positions

Vacancy for Sales Manager (BiH)

Full time

Vollo is a leading marketplace for online ticket booking and journey planning. We are a highly motivated and talented team, driven by the ambition to become the global synonym for online journey planning.

We offer exceptional opportunities for initiative, responsibility and leadership in entrepreneurial environment.

Job description

We are looking for a passionate Sales Manager who will partner and ensure the long­-term success of our clients. You will represent and communicate our ideas and our products to new and high qualified customers and are responsible for winning them as strategic partners for our business. You will be well connected to our other departments as well as to our local team to have a full overview of recent developments.You will liaise between clients and cross­functional internal teams to ensure the timely and successful delivery of our products and solutions according to customer needs.

What we're looking for

  • Excellent language skills in English and Serbian/ Croatian
  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills as well
  • Experience within Sales and an understanding of Online Marketing and eCommerce
  • Reliability and Responsibility
  • Self-­reliance and self-­drivenness
  • Understanding of client relationships and smart maintenance of them­
  • Experience in delivering client­-focused solutions based on customer needs

Your responsibilities

  • Increase the number for customers in designated areas and realize individually assigned sales targets.
  • Ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions according to clients needs and objectives.
  • Identify growth opportunities within the territory and collaborate with management to ensure the necessary attainment.
  • Assist with high severity requests or issue escalations as needed and deal effectively with problems.

Apply now


Vacancy for Sales Manager (SERBIA)

Full time

Vollo is a leading marketplace for online ticket booking and journey planning. We are a highly motivated and talented team, driven by the ambition to become the global synonym for online journey planning.

We offer exceptional opportunities for initiative, responsibility and leadership in entrepreneurial environment.

Job description

We are looking for a passionate Sales Manager who will partner and ensure the long­-term success of our clients. You will represent and communicate our ideas and our products to new and high qualified customers and are responsible for winning them as strategic partners for our business. You will be well connected to our other departments as well as to our local team to have a full overview of recent developments.You will liaise between clients and cross­functional internal teams to ensure the timely and successful delivery of our products and solutions according to customer needs.

What we're looking for

  • Excellent language skills in English and Serbian/ Croatian
  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills as well
  • Experience within Sales and an understanding of Online Marketing and eCommerce
  • Reliability and Responsibility
  • Self-­reliance and self-­drivenness
  • Understanding of client relationships and smart maintenance of them­
  • Experience in delivering client­-focused solutions based on customer needs

Your responsibilities

  • Increase the number for customers in designated areas and realize individually assigned sales targets.
  • Ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions according to clients needs and objectives.
  • Identify growth opportunities within the territory and collaborate with management to ensure the necessary attainment.
  • Assist with high severity requests or issue escalations as needed and deal effectively with problems.

Apply now



We're always looking for passionate, friendly, dedicated people to join our company.
Say hi, info@vollo.net